Have you ever wanted to put free gift cards or free cash into your pockets. Well with the power of extreme couponing you now have that possibility. Very often when shopping in an extreme couponing scenario you have overages and now you have the opportunity to turn these overages into those much desired gift cards and cash.
We have a video below that outlines the great stategy to put as much of these overages right into your pocket. CVS and RITE AID both have this opportunity if you stucture your transactions correctly. How it has been working lately is if you are using 20% off coupons, instore coupons stacked with manufacturers coupons or just maximizing all the money makers you take any and all overages and get gift cards with them.
You can then take these gift cards to plastic jungle if you want to instantly convert them into cash. They will give you the option of getting a check mailed to you, having a pay pal transfer instantly or up to 24 hours and last but not least you can get a Amazon.com credit that will usually be slightly higher than the other two options.
My wife and I have done this a few times and it is always nice when we
can convert our coupon bounty into some instant cash!! Try it out and
let us know how your hauls go. There is plenty of free money and gift
cards to go around. To check out some of our Money maker startegies and
extreme coupon tips and tricks check us out on
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