Have you ever wanted to put free gift cards or free cash into your pockets.  Well with the power of extreme couponing you now have that possibility.  Very often when shopping in an extreme couponing scenario you have overages and now you have the opportunity to turn these overages into those much desired gift cards and cash.

We have a video below that outlines the great stategy to put as much of these overages right into your pocket.  CVS and RITE AID both have this opportunity if you stucture your transactions correctly.  How it has been working lately is if you are using 20% off coupons, instore coupons stacked with manufacturers coupons or just maximizing all the money makers you take any and all overages and get gift cards with them.

You can then take these gift cards to plastic jungle if you want to instantly convert them into cash.  They will give you the option of getting a check mailed to you, having a pay pal transfer instantly or up to 24 hours and last but not least you can get a credit that will usually be slightly higher than the other two options.

My wife and I have done this a few times and it is always nice when we can convert our coupon bounty into some instant cash!!  Try it out and let us know how your hauls go.  There is plenty of free money and gift cards to go around.  To check out some of our Money maker startegies and extreme coupon tips and tricks check us out on

We strive to bring you the best information so that we can all save big dollars together.


Have you ever dreamed of making extra money or replacing your job with the freedom to steer  your destiny in the direction that you desire.  Well selling on EBAY gives you the possibility to accomplish both these pursuits and much more.

Today I wanted to tell you about a SECRET STRATEGY that EBAY POWERSELLERS utilize each and everyday to maximize bulk sales and increase revenue.  This strategy is plain and simply to incite a bidding war on products that you have large amounts of.  This will allow you to send a SECOND CHANCE OFFER to each and every one of the bidders who are all interested in your product.

You may ask how can I get all these interested bidders.  Well the answer is look up the price of the item that has previously sold on ebay, this is the price that the market will bear.  Once you have this dollar amount that your product regularly sells for, price your item 10-20% lower. I have a video below that will show you how to look up these prices for sold items on ebay.

Now that you know how to price your item, all you have to do is wait for your bids to come in.  I personally list my items for 7 days to allow enough people to be able to see you item.  If you have an item that will be slightly harder to sell you may opt to list it for 30 days, yet this will sometimes cost you more. Once you have gotten to the end of your sale and you have your bids collected ship out your paid for and sold item; then start sending second chance offers to the other bidders.  I will usually set the sale time to 3 days so they have plenty of time to respond. Now this second chance offer goes to them at the price that they bid, which means that you are guaranteed that price if they accept the offer.

This is how a recent scenario looked.  I usually sell a lot of  15 Dr Scholl's Double Air Pillo Insoles for $25 with $12 shipping.  I started my Bidding for this item @ $21 I had 5 Bids below the winning bid
  • $21    
  • $23.50
  • $25.50
  • $27
  • $29.50
Now if you look at it, I did take a risk by listing my product lower than I usually sell it.  I could have had one bidder at just $21.  Sometimes you have to take a calculated risk to be successful!  After all was said and done I sent out 5 SECOND CHANCE OFFERS and 4 were ACCEPTED.  The crazy thing is, the bidder that didn't accept was the lowest bidder of $21.

This one strategy let us move substantially more product with just one auction, which also greatly increased our sales and revenue.  We will bring you many more EBAY strategies in the future. Thanks for your time and interest.  Here is a video explaining this strateg on our Youtube site  THEGREENCABBY


My wife and I consistently shop at about 6 of our local CVS pharmacies and we are always on the look out for small changes or discrepancies in their coupon policy.  We definitely know that in the world of EXTREME COUPONING even the smallest coupon policy changes can cost you thousands of dollars in savings!!  For families that are struggling to just get by this can make a huge difference.  Here are some of the latest changes we have seen that could really affect your pocket book today and for years to come.  There is a step by step breakdown in the video.

You can't use two of the same CVS coupons in one transaction.
You can't stack a coupon where it says to get a dollar amount off when spending a certain amount of money with another coupon that is not necessarily the same, but the same type of coupon. Like $4 of 15 on Shampoo, can no longer be combined with a $4 off 20 coupon if you only have $20 in merchandise!
And you can't use a 20% off CVS coupon for items that are buy one get one free or that have even a penny discount, watch out for cvs employee price modifiers.



My wife and I have recently been taking our extreme couponing bounty and selling the items that we dont like or need.  Ebay has been a great outlet for this, allowing us to make some additional money and pay off bills before our little bundle of joy arrives.  For the last few months we have been selling products oblivious to the fact that BIG BROTHER EBAY was lurking in the background, watching and waiting to limit the items that we could sell on their website. Here is the story of what transpired and how we used our persistence to overcome the EBAY ADVERSITY!!