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Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ Review – Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor
⏰ Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ KEY MOMENTS ⏰
0:00:00 – Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ
00:00:20 – Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ Taste Good
00:00:30 – Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ Nutritional Facts
00:00:51 – Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ Rating
🎬Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ VIDEO SERIES 🎬
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Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ Review
Blue Diamond Almond Bold Habanero BBQ review video today. In this video, we are going to show you some excellent products, so that you can try them out for yourself. If you are not familiar with Blue Diamond Almond Bold Habanero BBQ, this is the time. We will provide you with a 2 minute review demo that will introduce you to this awesome company. In the second part, we will show you how to make custom thumbnails on YouTube.
The Blue Diamond Almond Bold Habanero BBQ review video, and thumbnail tool is waiting for you. Give it try today. You are going to be surprised at how easy it is. Thank you for joining us today to watch this Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor. Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor are my latest find in the kitchen. If you enjoy this, check out this Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor. Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor is out of the norm delicious, and who would bet that almonds could also have some BBQ flavor? This is a new find, so if you like, make sure you purchase some today. If you found some Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor, you might also like this Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor.
Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ review video. In today’s fast paced world, we need to be able to multitask. We also want to be able to quickly consume our food. That is why Blue Diamond Almonds created this Bold Habanero BBQ flavor. It is a healthier snack that you can feel good about eating. In this Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ review, we will go over the benefits of eating Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ. In this Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ review demo, we will also give you some tips on how to have them last longer. We will be showing you inside one of the best Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Habanero BBQ review videos on the internet.
You likely know that Blue Diamond Almonds is good healthy snack. Blue Diamond Almonds has had a recent explosion in popularity. Many are now going to Blue Diamond Almonds for that snack in between meals. It’s no surprise that Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor kicks ass! Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor is a sweet, smoky, BBQ seasoning. You can see this in every bite. Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor that comes in 8-ounce bags. Blue Diamond Almonds Habanero BBQ Barbeque Flavor is certified Kosher and Halal. Blue Diamond does not mess with their quality, so it is indeed Gluten Free. Blue Diamond is also Non-GMO and Gluten-Free.
When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
Greetings today we are going to be Trying some silky gems these are the Crunchy candies that you have seen all Over the internet some nutritional facts Here for you calories got 90. serving Size is one ounce and it has nine Servings per container there's nothing In there but 20 grams of sugar That's mama laughing They got some social media there They've got food allergy notice this is What everything that is inside handmade Vegan gluten-free crystal candy and it Is a vietnamese candy i'm gonna burp you This right here but it says Raw cow We got the treasure box but they also Have signature cut lunar new year cut Special crystal rock tumbler carving Free forms and gems cut and if you want It to be extra crunchy Leave it out for a few days to make it Extra crunchy last up to a year and can Be refrigerated or frozen In the box there are 17 pieces but 13 Different flavors alright so this one Here is lychee and you see here it's got The signature gold flakes inside So it's crunchy on the inside I'm sorry crunchy on the outside a Slight crunch and it has like a jelly On the inside Very muted flavor
It almost tastes like if you had a bunch Of sugar Put it in water and then dried it on a Plate that's the kind of crunch that you Get And then if you've ever had any of those Asian jelly cups that's what the center Tastes like It's yummy It's very yummy you like the flavor What's it taste like Lighty oh okay would you eat that one Before or again or no yeah All right so this one here is yuzu and As you see it does have the hand painted Gold flakes on there as well and you see It's got a much brighter like yellow or Orange color on the top You can't see through them That one It tastes like a muted lemon Like I don't know what that one tastes like Must taste like yuzu Um This one's okay it tastes like a very Muted lemon um i probably would not eat This one again this one's very very Muted doesn't have a lot of flavor But it has the same crunch It's yummy yummy out of ten Can i come 10 out of 10 like the best Ever Wow okay this one is white
Chocolate mint also has the painted gold Flakes on top So that one is pretty good the mint Really comes through It makes this one a little bit more Of a flavorful candy And the white chocolate is very very Subtle But the mint is not overpowering this One is actually probably my favorite so Far this one's pretty tasty Tastes like Chocolate with mint hmm do you like it What's the score 10 out of 10 10 out of 10. This one is strawberry and mama says ooh It's pretty It's it's almost looks like a piece of Watermelon Wow this one is actually extra crunchy That one is actually really good it has Still a subtle flavor but the strawberry Is a little bit richer and that one is Super crunchy it's almost like chewing On some chips Strawberry It tastes like stubbly What's a score you know tim Out Are they all dead edited Okay this one is watermelon citrus now The funny thing is is the strawberry Actually looked like a piece of Watermelon this one is like really light
Whatever color is i'm kind of colorblind So maybe light pink But also has the gold flakes Strangely enough this has almost no Flavor at all Has a very light maybe watermelon maybe Rind flavor But almost no flavor at all on this That's very strange This is the watermelon flavor With citrus So yummy do you taste watermelon or no Yeah do you really What's the what's the score [Music] Nine out of ten nine out of ten there we Go a different number [Music] All right we have black raspberry Pear and this one also has the gold Flakes painted inside This one actually has a smell that's Actually kind of exciting Smells yummy Wow It smells wonderful The flavor Not so much Alexander your turn I don't even know what that tastes like This is the black raspberry pail It tastes like wash belly does it really Okay what do you think is it your Favorite
It is your favorite 10 out of 10 Really are you sure Okay whoa What is the coconut pandan Pandan Don't say it like that all right so this One here actually has a light and dark Color if you look here at the top It's much lighter color and then at the Bottom it looks like A lot darker and dense And it has gold flakes painted on the Hiney What No smell That one does taste like Fake coconut flavoring or when you get The candied coconut in the bag where it Has the sugar around it It tastes like a very light flavor of That This one's okay Not phenomenal but it's not bad uh i'd Probably give this one about an eight Out of ten poke in a pandan Because i coconut that's it Do you like it or you don't like it i do Would you eat that one again Score out of 10 10 10 out of 10. he just Gave it 10 out of 10 but when mama said Here you can have the rest he said No thank you These are double layer Pretty gems and you see here it's got
Two pieces and it has two layers of the Gold painted flakes this one is passion Fruit mango So i'm gonna get it on the edge here so I can get the crispiness of both So when [Music] That's actually good I'd probably give it Nine nine and a half out of ten But um This one actually has a really good Flavor to it and when you have the dual Layer like this it adds a little bit of Crunchiness to it So it's a little bit of a better Experience Yeah this one's pretty good Present food mango Yum It's mango Mango Do you like it What's the score Round 10 out 10 10 out of 10. this one Is coconut pineapple This is probably going to be my least Favorite because i do not like pina Colada Mama loves pina colada my mom Grandma loves pina colada This is as good as i thought it was Going to be It tastes like a pina colada air
Freshener [Laughter] That's how much i love it this teeny Quarter It tastes like Pineapple and coconut pineapple and Coconut that's what it is What do you think Gum do you like that one mm-hmm would You say this is one of your favorites or Your least favorite my favorite daddy's Daddy daddy said 10 out of 10. I did not 10 out of 10 on the air Freshener scale Would you get it again yeah okay One is green apple pear now this one Here actually has several layers of Color here you see on the bottom it's Super dark And then it just looked through the Light it looks like a gem This one has absolutely no smell at all So that one tastes like Green apple and pear It's okay flavor's okay it's not Phenomenal it's not something to write Home about but It's pretty good and you can taste both The flavors This is green apple and pale It tastes like Green apple and peel Do you like it What's the score
Um i know ten nine out of ten all right Surprise to know that mama says it Tastes like green apple and pear don't Be scared but this one is blood orange No smell whatsoever Pretty shape nice gem The flavor is very muted you can taste The orange it's okay i'd probably give This one a six or seven out of ten um It's not phenomenal but it's not bad It's brought always It's good Good what does it taste like orange it Tastes like oranges And would you eat that again yeah what's The score Um 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. best ever This one is lemon also known as lemon No smell You know what this one tastes like This one tastes like a lemon version Of the old orange sliced candies But with just a little bit of flavor This one's okay It's not sour slightly sweet a little Bit of flavor Not bad at all lemon Tastes like lemon Is it so sour yeah no What it's sour no okay is it sweet yeah Okay What's it rated Dinotum
This one is Butterfly P we don't know what the rest of it is But it has coconut and butterfly p Mama said we saved this one the best for Last because it looks so pretty It's got the painted gold on there I like to say gold flakes And you see here that it has lots and Lots of shapes so i bet you this one's Going to be the crunchiest of them all Let's see No smell Wow That definitely is the crunchiest one And kind of strangely enough I feel like i've i've tasted this flavor Before Almost like um This one definitely tastes like a Coconut macaroon and this one is by far Has the most flavor out of any of them Super coconut flavor Tastes like the uh candied baking Coconut that you have with a little bit Extra in there This one's pretty good um and this one's Super duper crunchy Four out of ten Butterfly Whoa that sounds crunchy It tastes like coconut does it Is it crunchy or soft What do you think gum how many out of
Ten What How many out of ten Five five out of ten yeah Yay Wow i said she can't believe the Prettiest one is only a 5 out of 10.

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