Legoland California park full walkthrough - Legoland hotel resort apple fries - lego land Rides | COS METIC UPDATES

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Legoland California park full walkthrough – Legoland hotel resort apple fries – lego land Rides

⏰ Legoland California park & Hotels KEY MOMENTS ⏰
00:00:00 – Legoland intro
00:01:18 – Reserve ’N’ Ride Express Deluxe & Ultimate Line Fast pass
00:03:41 – Lego Land Driving School Cars
00:05:00 – Legoland Sky Patrol Helicopter Ride
00:06:15 – Legoland Fun town Police & Fire Academy Ride
00:07:57 – Lego Land Skipper School Boat Ride
00:08:49 – Lego City Deep Sea Adventure Submarine Ride
00:11:58 – Lost Kingdom Splash Battle Boat Shooter Ride
00:17:08 – Lego Land Cargo Ace Airplane Ride
00:22:42 – Legoland Safari Trek Jeep Ride
00:27:29 – Legoland Coastersaurus Ride
00:28:45 – Lost Kingdom Adventure Dark Ride Shooter
00:29:24 – Lego Land Coast Cruise Boat Tour Ride
00:33:14 – Leogoland Hotels Tour

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Legoland California is Merlin Entertainment’s largest theme park. Located just outside San Francisco. The theme park takes up 257 acres and benefits from viewing Monterey Bay. Its headquarters are in Carlsbad, California near Legoland California. The Mantra of the park is ”we are one”. Customers can get tickets to the park all year long.

The theme park is said to have 55 rides and entertaining shows that bring more than 3.5 million visitors a year. If you are planning a trip to California, make sure to add Legoland California to your list when you visit California. The national park features roller coasters, water rides, a lego model building, rides, and three J.R.R.

Tolkien-themed attractions, an aquarium, a safari park, the Carlsbad Museum of Making Music, and the water-themed Legoland Beach Retreat Hotel. If you have not yet figured out which attraction is on your itinerary, do yourself a favor and check out the Legoland California Wikipedia page for it.

You will be enlightened by all the exciting things that await your visit. If you have already started your trip to Legoland California, make sure you check out our Legoland tours. If you are planning on making a dream trip to Legoland California, you will have to check out our Legoland California vacation packages. Hope you enjoy this Legoland review video!Hope you have an awesome time at LEGOLAND California!

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Four we do have the evacuation letter And the peephole Has a little Movable slot for the eyepiece so that People cannot see you coming up if You’re going to be checking the eyepiece Also has the standard Door lock here And do not disturb tag Hang on i’m busy all right we got a king Size Holiday inn express room today We’ve got Two lights on either side of the bed We’ve got a light on the desk Comes with free wi-fi got a lamp in the Center Push button lamps We’ve got A nightstand With drawers to put in the center Flat screen tv a place to put your Suitcase when you bring it in or place To sit down Inside of the entertainment center We have a refrigerator Freezer and refrigerator Also has a microwave Drawers to put your clothes The table With the desk you have a keurig With coffee Tea Cups

On the lamp here we have a High speed internet connection With a plug Light goes on and off We have an ice bucket on our table with Chairs Chair is a Office chair that spins with a pretty Good cushion on the bottom We have a chair with a ottoman And then we also have a phone and alarm Clock and the alarm clock on the top has Two plugs It also has two chargers Push button lamp And ac with air deflector inside In the bathroom We have The bowl sink Good water pressure on our faucet Decorative flower tissues we’ve got the Hair dryer on the wall We do have plugs as well as The fan and the light We have three Wash towels Soap and Lotion We also have uh some larger wash towels Here Four regular towels and two more wash Towels Elongated toilet for those with the big High knees

We also have a small trash can in here And an additional Toilet paper underneath Comes with the standard Shower gel shampoo and conditioner with A really nice redone Either marble or granite shower which is Nice Tub is clean Has a Handle here To help you get in and out of the bath And it does have a nice Tall shower head i am 6’4 looks like This is up here about 6 6. So that’s nice and then it has An outward facing Shower curtain so it gives you a little Bit more room inside the shower [Music] With a tile floor and this one does seem To be cutting a little bit of corners With this one looks like it has a single Ply toilet paper so you might have to Stack that up a little bit if you are Wiping We’re going to take a picture are you Ready to take a picture yes do you like It Do you think it’s super cute We are at the end of the hall we are Going to be doing a tour of 2 35.


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