This is definitely trash to treasure I cannot believe with what we put in here This is fine Like this is crazy And this isn’t just a couple of short hours It’s dry No real smell to it That is pretty amazing I cannot believe it This is definitely trash to Treasure
And then we pull it up and then it has An air rated bottom so that it can go Ahead and send the smells through There that was definitely vacuum packed In there real tight look at all the Little charcoal pieces in there and then We're just going to go ahead and slide Our filter down inside it's ready for Operation now this lid uh is actually Got air rated filters in it and if you Open it up it's got a locking mechanism You see here it also has another filter Uh to make sure that you're not getting Bugs through and a bunch of smells Through so it's filtering here and then You also have the carbon filter in the Back so you just put this back on and You keep turning it until it locks and Then you have your lid that you just put On top there all right now it says that You can go ahead and put in most fruits And veggie scrats
Transforming Food Waste into Nutrient-Rich Compost for a Greener World
Instead of sending all of this to the landfill we can go ahead and get some nutrients back in the soil Few short hours and now we have compost Look at this And if you remember we put in here meat veggies herbs bread noodles paper
And then we pull it up and then it has An air rated bottom so that it can go Ahead and send the smells through There that was definitely vacuum packed In there real tight look at all the Little charcoal pieces in there and then We're just going to go ahead and slide Our filter down inside it's ready for Operation now this lid uh is actually Got air rated filters in it and if you Open it up it's got a locking mechanism You see here it also has another filter Uh to make sure that you're not getting Bugs through and a bunch of smells Through so it's filtering here and then You also have the carbon filter in the Back so you just put this back on and You keep turning it until it locks and Then you have your lid that you just put On top there all right now it says that You can go ahead and put in most fruits And veggie scrats
Powerful and Eco-Friendly: Unboxing the Heavy-Duty Eco 5 FoodCycler
What I like about this so far it looks like it’s using all recycled packaging to. Now careful when pulling out the FoodCycler because it’s actually 31 pounds so it is kind of hefty But you know when Vitamix makes a product they always make it heavy duty So this one here is probably going to weigh a lot more than other competitors We’ve got our latch here in the front that locks it We have our top here It looks like it’s stainless steel We have the event top and this is the canister for the granules to be able to put in the filter granules We’ve got our power button here in the front Inside the top we had our power cable our first set of carbon charcoal granules that go in the top And it says beware they’re our blades and they’re sharp Wow now look at that That is super Heavy Duty
Eco 5 FoodCycler Review FULL VIDEO HERE
#VitamixFoodCycler #KitchenComposter #eco5foodcycler #eco5 #foodcycler #vitamix #electriccomposter #kitchencomposter #kitchencompost #electriccompost #indoorcompost #indoorcomposting #eco5foodcycler #thegreencabby
And then we pull it up and then it has An air rated bottom so that it can go Ahead and send the smells through There that was definitely vacuum packed In there real tight look at all the Little charcoal pieces in there and then We're just going to go ahead and slide Our filter down inside it's ready for Operation now this lid uh is actually Got air rated filters in it and if you Open it up it's got a locking mechanism You see here it also has another filter Uh to make sure that you're not getting Bugs through and a bunch of smells Through so it's filtering here and then You also have the carbon filter in the Back so you just put this back on and You keep turning it until it locks and Then you have your lid that you just put On top there all right now it says that You can go ahead and put in most fruits And veggie scrats
Eco 5 FoodCycler by Vitamix Electric Kitchen Composter Review Unboxing Use Demo
In this video about Eco 5 FoodCycler by Vitamix Electric Kitchen Composter Review, Unboxing, Use Demo , I’ll take you through an in-depth review and demo of this innovative kitchen composter. Watch as I unbox and set up the Eco 5 FoodCycler, going over its features, like its 5 litre capacity and quiet, odorless operation.
We’ll also examine its refillable carbon filter and powerful Vitamix grinding system. I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to use, turning food scraps into nutrient-rich compost in just a few hours. Whether you’re into sustainable living or just want to reduce your kitchen waste, this could be the perfect solution. Tune in to learn more about the benefits and functionality of the Eco 5 FoodCycler by Vitamix, and see exactly how it can transform your kitchen waste into valuable compost for your garden or plants.
Eco 5 FoodCycler by Vitamix, quiet, odorless food waste reducer Electric Kitchen Composter
Wattage 500 watts
Voltage 220 Volts
Blade Material Stainless Steel
Warranty Type 3 Year Limited Warranty
Item Weight 29 pounds
Manufacturer Vitamix
UNSPSC Code 52140000 (Domestic appliances)
Item model number 71594
⏰ Eco 5 FoodCycler by Vitamix KEY MOMENTS ⏰
00:00 Eco 5 FoodCycler by Vitamix Introduction
00:06 3-year warranty information and 5 liter capacity of the product
00:19 Description of product features including odorless and quiet operation
00:24 Mention of Vitamix motors inside
00:27 Unboxing and revealing what’s inside the package
00:50 Registration rewards program
00:56 Packaging and eco-friendly design
01:04 Caution about the product weight
01:14 Heavy-duty construction guarantee
01:20 Demonstration of latch and stainless steel top
01:37 Observations about sharp blades
01:47 Unique features of the product
01:56 Reminder for users about the product’s potential risks
02:05 Introduction to the 5 liter bucket
02:16 Closer look at the product’s construction
02:27 Emphasize the quality of construction
02:31 Warning about a potential weak point in the design
02:39 Instructions on setting up the carbon filter
03:04 Process of adding charcoal pieces into the filter
03:14 Preparing the filter for use
03:18 Explaining the aeration feature of the lid
03:32 Layering of filters in the product
03:41 Information on what can be composted
03:57 Important points on composting and potential hazards
04:56 Process of filling the compost bin for the first time
05:08 Motivation behind the use of the product
05:22 First composting cycle start
05:50 Brief update after an hour
06:02 Completion of the composting process
06:08 Inspection of the final compost product
06:27 Summary of the composting process and its benefits
06:38 Final thoughts and conclusion on the product
When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
This is a review and unboxing of the Food cycler by Vitamix the Eco5 now you know if it's made by Vitamix uh it's got to be backed by Quality they do have a three-year Warranty on this just make sure that you Register your product it does have a Five liter capacity it's supposed to be Quiet and odorless refillable carbon Filter where they give you the pellets To put in there and it also has the Grinding system that is made by Vitamix So it's got the Vitamix Motors inside What you're getting inside is the food Cycler itself the filter bucket and the 5 liter bucket to put all your scraps in Also says on the top that you get the First refill of the carbon filter or the Carbon uh kernels to go inside the Filter and you get the user manual looks Like you get extra benefits for Registering your product you also earn And learn uh with the rewards program as You register your product you watch Videos and you try new recipes I don't Think you're going to have compost Recipes I think they're talking about The blender and they also have the Support number what I like about this so Far it looks like it's using all Recycled uh packaging to Now careful when pulling out the food Cycler because it's actually 31 lbs so It is kind of Hefty uh but you know when
Vitamix makes a product they always make It heavy duty uh so this one here is Probably going to weigh a lot more than Other competitors we've got our latch Here in the front that locks it we have Our top here that looks like it's Stainless steel we have the vent top and This is the canister for the granules to Be able to put in the filter granules We've got our power button here in the Front inside the top we had our power Cable our first set of carbon charcoal Granules that go in the top and it says Beware there are blades and they're Sharp wow now look at that that is super Sharp it's got a heavy duty augur here In the center that is metal and then It's got all the blades around so as it Injects heat and air it also grinds it Up this definitely looks like something Vitamix would make and we got a little Warning over there for people who don't Have common sense that says it's going To be hot you can get your hand stuck in There or you can cut yourself because it Is sharp up top we have the handle so You're able to pull out the 5 L Bucket and inside you see the super Massive augur and this one here is Actually stainless steel construction That's pretty cool and it's got a Massive augur in there so you know this Is going to be super powerful the bottom Here is also cast metal and stainless
Steel so this is super heavy duty listen To that wow everything in here is super Metal the only thing that I see might a Little bit of an issue in the future This one here is plastic so make sure That you're not super gargantuan Hulkster with this uh because this you Might break if you're yanking it too Hard but other than that everything else Is Solid super steel super sharp super Heavy duty to get the carbon filter Going so we don't have any smells you Got to pull this out and you see it has A little locking mechanism in the front All right and you see we just need to go From here to there so we can unlock it And then we pull it up and then it has An air rated bottom so that it can go Ahead and send the smells through There That was definitely vacuum packed in There real tight look at all the little Charcoal pieces in There all right and then we're just Going to go ahead and slide our filter Down inside it's ready for operation all Right now this also has a lid for the Top that you put on top of here and now This lid uh is actually got air rated Filters in it and if you open it up it's Got a locking mechanism you see here it Also has another filter uh to make sure That you're not getting bugs through and
A bunch of smells through so it's Filtering here and then you also have The carbon filter in the back so you Just put this back on and you keep Turning it until it locks and then you Have your lid that you just put on top There all right now it says that you can Go ahead and put in most fruits and Veggie scrats you can go ahead and put In meat fish sellfish poultry scraps Cereal and Grains eggs and shells we can Also put in coffee grounds filters and Tea bags beans seeds and legumes pet Food and poultry and Fish Bones now it Shows you a diagram of what you can and Cannot put in there now if you see here Yes you can put in all those things that I just told you and you can put in Shellfish with not the shells all right But you can also put in uh cut up prior You can put up fibrous herbs pineapple Leaves corn cobs and husks small amount Of paper towels and tissue uh you can Also put in whole fruits and vegetables And celery asparagus and other fibers Plants just as long as you cut them up Prior now in small amounts but I would Probably stay away from all of these but It says in small amounts you could put Sauces dressings and gravies pork and Lamb bones uh starches bread cake rice Hard pits now I would really stay away From this because if you put many of These in here you can actually uh grind
Up and clog uh your blades and it'll Actually go into a error mode uh and Then a small amount of dairy products And a small amount of jellies jams and Puddings and it says do not put oils and Fats beef bones uh compostable uh tea uh Coffee pods candy and gum and cardboard Because that'll all gum it up so just as Long as you stay in the yes and the Cutup prior uh you know really try to Stay away from the small amounts but if You put those there you're going to be Happy with the outcome that you get all Right time for the first load I've been Getting really tired of throwing stuff Away when you don't get enough enough so You're not able to eat it before it's Gone and so you know we always get all This food that we need to throw away and I really wanted to be able to do Something with this food so that it's Not wasted and to be able to turn it Into you know usable soil it's pretty Amazing so right now we're going to go Ahead and clean out the fridge on the Stuff that we didn't eat here as a Family and this will be our first our First make Here Instead of sending all of this to the Landfill we can go ahead and get some Nutrients back in the Soil all right now we just close it we Lock the lid and we press the button and
It's ready to Go after 1 Hour it's crunching the fan going you Can feel it coming through here so it Eliminates the Smells he's now been added to the robot Army all right it is all done few short Hours and now we have compost I cannot Believe with what we put in here look at This this is Fine like sawdust and if you remember we Put in here meat veggies herbs bread Noodles uh paper towel like this is Crazy and this is in just a couple of Short hours it's dry no real smell to it That is pretty amazing I cannot believe It This is definitely Trash to Treasure we Got a whole gallon bag size full of Natural compost in just a couple hours From all that stuff we put in from our Refrigerator all the food scraps and Everything that goes bad now can turn Into amazing fertilizer for your plants And garden
Buyer’s Point Ultra High Speed HDMI 2.1 Cable grey Braided 6ft Review Unboxing ◀️◀️◀️ GET THE BEST PRICE ON IT NOW -affiliate-
𝟒.𝟔 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝟓 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 with 337 ratings
A product review for Buyer’sPoint Ultra HighSpeed HDMI Cable grey Braided. Join me as I delve into the features and benefits of this high-performance HDMI cable. This is the one-stop solution for your high-end gaming consoles, home theatres, and other digital devices. Discover how this cable excels with its 8k Ultra HD resolution and 48Gbps transfer speed.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of its 24k gold plated connectors, ensuring optimal signal transfer. You will love the convenience of its robust, grey braided exterior that guarantees durability. We discuss its 3D capabilities and how it stands out in the HDMI 2.1 cable market. Learn why this 6ft HDMI cable is the perfect choice for your setup. If you’re in search of the best ultra high speed HDMI cable, this comprehensive review of the Buyers Point HDMI cable is a must-watch! Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tech reviews.
Buyer’s Point Ultra High Speed HDMI 2.1 Cable Dynamic HDR 1.8M (6ft) 8K 120Hz, 48Gbps, eARC, Compatible with Apple TV, Nintendo Switch, Roku, Xbox, PS4, Projector Gray Grey
Connector Type HDMI
Cable Type HDMI
Compatible Devices Projector, Television, Xbox
Special Feature High Speed
Package Dimensions : 6.7 x 6.6 x 1.3 inches; 3.21 Ounces
Item model number : 1078
UNSPSC Code : 43202222 (Computer cable)
⏰ Buyer’s Point Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable Video Chapters ⏰
00:00 Introduction
00:05 Buyers Point 8K Ultra Speed HDMI Review
00:13 Features of the HDMI 2.1
00:17 Transmission Speed
00:20 Description of the physical product
00:25 Packaging and protective features observed
00:29 Noted branding on the HDMI cable
00:32 Endpoint connectors and their function
00:34 Quality and durability of the cables
00:40 Buyer’s Point Cable thickness discussed
00:41 Assessment of the cable’s durability and flexibility
00:45 Cable flexibility discussed in further detail
00:49 Practical use of the cable’s flexibility
00:53 Buyer’s Point Testing and usage of the product
00:56 Performance review of the HDMI cable
00:59 Visual performance feedback
01:02 Encouragement to purchase the product
Buyers Point Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable
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When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
[Music] The green cabbie product Reviews this is a review of the buyer Point 8K Ultras speed HDMI this is the HDMI 2.1 and it has 24 Karat goldplated Connectors it's 3D enabled and it's HDMI Ultra high speed it's rated up to 48 GB Per second and this is the 6t variation Or the 1.8 m this is the gray version You see that they do have it labeled Buyer point on the receptacle itself They do come with the endpoint Connectors to protect them in transit or When you're not in use uh they do have The braided cables uh which are thick You know some of them are actually Really thin and not very durable uh this Is a thick braided cable you can feel uh How heavy duty this is even with it Being so thick you do see that it is Pliable easily movable uh so that you Won't have it bunching up or having an Issue getting it where it needs to go All plugged in and ready to Rock It's up and running and ready to go Looking good Good click the link below now for the Best pricing grab your Deal and enjoy your Purchase subscribe [Music] Now
ASSEMBLY OYEAL Soda Can Organizer – OYEAL Beverage Rack Can Roller FIFO Review Demo ◀️◀️◀️ GET THE BEST PRICE ON IT NOW -affiliate-
𝟒.𝟐 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝟓 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 with 68 ratings
A product review for ASSEMBLY OYEAL Soda Can Organizer Beverage Rack Can Roller. Join me as I unpack, assemble, and test this practical solution to kitchen organization. This soda can organizer not only keeps your fridge tidy but also maximizes storage space. We’ll take a detailed look at its durability, capacity, and ease of assembly. If you’re tired of your cans rolling around your refrigerator or pantry, this might be the perfect fit for you. Discover how this beverage rack can roller is a game-changer for soda lovers and those who seek an efficient, space-saving storage solution. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your kitchen organization with OYEAL’s high-quality, functional, and stylish soda can organizer. For anyone searching for ’best soda can organizer’, ’drink can storage solutions’, or ’OYEAL soda can rack review’, this video is not to be missed. Subscribe and stay tuned for more product reviews and kitchen organization tips.
OYEAL Soda Can Organizer Beverage Rack Dispenser Stackable Can Rack Organizer for Pantry Refrigerator Kitchen Cabinets, Dispenser 20 Standard Size 12oz Soda Cans or Canned Food, 2 Pack
Product Dimensions 11.2 x 13.8 x 9.6 inches
Item Weight 5.52 pounds
UNSPSC Code 24102000 (Shelving and storage)
Specific instructions for use Organize/Storage of soda, beer, beverage, canned food
OYEAL Pantry Can Organizer, Stackable Soda Can Organizer for Pantry Beverage Holder Dispenser for Cabinet, Refrigerator, Holds 20 Cans Each, 2 Pack
⏰ ASSEMBLY OYEAL Soda Can Organizer Video Chapters ⏰
00:00 Introduction
00:05 Overview of the OYEAL Soda Can Organizer
00:10 First impressions
00:13 Step by step assembly instructions
00:50 Detailed assembly process
01:19 Insertion of the first can
01:30 Connecting the cans
01:43 Connecting multiple cans
01:52 Special features and stability
02:04 Versatility with different can types
02:11 Instructions for different can types
02:21 Review of functionality with soup cans
02:25 Overall opinion and value for money
02:31 Purchase recommendation
02:33 Pricing details and purchase instructions
$25 pp for video review to be posted on influencer page and posted on youtube – 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐅𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 $𝟐𝟎𝟎.
When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
[Music] The green cabie product Reviews this is a review of the o y a Soda can organizer looks like a party Doesn’t look too difficult we can do This step one step two step three step Four step Five we want to make sure that we have The connected notches inside the center Second One All right we’re going to flatten out our Connector and we’re going to go ahead And Insert our Tray all right we got the first one In okay we’re going to go ahead and Connect the second [Music] One now we’re going to go ahead and do That times Two works pretty amazingly now one thing That is awesome is that it actually has A Little connector on the bottom where it Actually fits inside the holes so that It gives it a little bit more stability Which is pretty awesome now surprisingly Enough this one doesn’t just work for Soda cans uh but it also works for Regular cans as well now uh with the Regular cans when you’re rolling them Off the top sometimes it’ll get caught On the side here uh but if you are doing
Say like enchilada sauce cans or Soup Cans uh these actually go in Perfectly so those work really great as Well uh so this one here is definitely a Great buy for being able to get two Racks for the price and being able to Store either your sodas or your canned Goods this one’s a No-brainer click the link below now for The best pricing grab your Deal and enjoy your [Music] Purchase subscribe [Music] Now
A product review for Gift A Snack Variety Pack 40 Piece Snack Box. Dive with me into the world of Amazon product reviews as we explore the 40 pack snack variety from Gift A Snack. This video is packed with mouth-watering content featuring snacks like Popcorners, Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies, Skinny Pop popcorn and much more. Perfect for kids’ lunches, after-school snacks, or just satisfying your own cravings, this snack variety box is a must-have for anyone who loves a good snack. I’ll take you through each product, offering my own personal insight and review. Not only will you get to see what’s inside, but also hear about the taste, quality, and overall value of these snack items. So, for anyone in search of the best variety snack pack on Amazon or interested in high-quality, delicious snack options, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more in-depth Amazon product reviews.
⏰ Gift A Snack Variety Pack 40 Piece Snack Box Video Chapters ⏰
00:00 Gift A Snack Variety Pack 40 Piece Snack Box Introduction
00:06 What is a 40 pack gift a snack variety pack
00:15 First look at the snack package
00:22 Customer service details
00:26 Description of the contents of the package
01:14 Comments on the fruity snacks in the package
01:25 Introduction to Annie’s birthday cake bunny grams
01:37 Introduction to Quaker’s Chewy peanut butter chocolate chip granola bar
01:46 Introduction to Nature’s Made fruit and nut granola bars
01:58 Discovery of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies
02:08 Description of Peanut butter crackers in the package
02:16 Discovery of airheads in the box
02:27 Discovery of laffy taffy in the box
02:35 Discovery of salted peanuts in the box
02:44 Discovery of Goldfish colors in the box
02:48 Discovery of Oreos in the box
03:00 Discovery of Apple cinnamon bar in the box
03:07 Discovery of Twizzlers and Dum-Dums in the box
03:20 Wrap up of the review
03:29 Opinion on the value of the snack package
$25 pp for video review to be posted on influencer page and posted on youtube – 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐅𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 $𝟐𝟎𝟎.
When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
This is the 40 pack gift a snack variety Pack snack package we're going to dive Into this we're going to look at the 40 Snacks and we're going to try some my Son loved this this actually jumped out To him this box is glad to see you too Smiley face o this looks yummy this has All kinds of goodies in here all right Make me want to make it right if you Have an issue they're going to take care Of it all right so let's see what we got Inside we've got some sea salt PopCorners we've got some PopCorners Spicy quesa wow that looks good we have Some Famous Amos chocolate chips and Looks like we've got two bags of those That's awesome two bags of Famous Amos Chocolate chip cookies we've got skinny Pop popcorn we've got two bags of the White cheddar that looks nice oh some of My favorites all right so we got some Cheit white cheddar that's awesome we've Got some Sniders mini pretzel 100 calorie packs It seems like everything comes almost in Doubles let's see what else we got here We got cheex mix bagel chips my son and Wife love these that's going to be fun This is one of my favorites Pringles oh My gosh we could sit here all day and Eat this stuff what is this fruity Snacks natural and artificially flavored Fruity snacks those look good I have to See where those are from I love fruit
Snacks and gummies those are some of my Favorites these are actually some of my Favorites right here the Welch's fruit Snacks and this is my favorite the mixed Fruit I love these I could eat these all Day long also we've got some Annie Birthday cake bunny gram these are like Cookies and the Annie I don't know if You've had those before but the Annie Products are like uh healthier for you But still taste good all right oh my Gosh we got so much stuff in here we got Uh Chewy from Quaker it's a peanut Butter chocolate chip granola bar that Looks Awesome all right we got some Nature's Made oh these are delicious the fruit And nut and what I love about these Granola bars is that they are actually Soft when eating them so they're not Super duper crunchy I really like these Wow and I just found something new I Have never seen this before Kellogg's Rice Krispies rainbow that looks pretty Interesting I'm ready to dive into those All right we've got some toasty peanut Butter crackers and these actually look They look a little bit different I don't Know look look here they look a little Bit Different all right we have some fun Stuff here oh my goodness we've got some AirHeads we've got two Cherry AirHeads We've got a blue raspberry AirHeads a
Watermelon AirHeads seems like a summer Box here this is fun we also got some Laugh Taffy blue raspberry little Miniature ones single serving all right We've oh yes we've got some peanuts Salted peanuts two little party packs Here oh another Laffy Taffy yep Everything's coming in twos we've got Our goldfish colors colored goldfish That is fun I don't know if you ever had These as a kid but these are yummy oh my Gosh are we getting spoiled today we've Got regular Oreos and two packs of Double stuffed Oreos this is going to be Delicious all right we got a granola bar I used to eat these as a kid right here This is apple cinnamon for those of you Who love apple cinnamon neutr grain bars We got another chewy peanut butter so we Got two on that one we've got two of the Twizzlers this is the pool and peel that You pull them apart and eat them and Then we got two dumb Dums but we're not Dumb right nobody's dumb but these are Dum Dum suckers all right let's see if There's anything hidden on the bottom Nothing on the bottom but we do have a Full days worth of snacks look at all These snacks oh my gosh this is Definitely well worth the money Especially if you want to be able to Send a care package to somebody or if You just love tasting new snacks or Having a variety in your snacks this is
Great for kids lunches I'm super excited About this uh we got my son here at the House he loves snacks and so this is Going to give us the opportunity to be Able to spice it up a little bit in the Lunch box and after school snacks Definitely glad we were gifted this for A review these are going to look awesome We are super excited to Dive Right In ◀️◀️◀️ GET THE BEST PRICE ON IT NOW -affiliate-
𝟒.𝟒 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝟓 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 14,103 ratings
A product review for Flafster Electric Salt N Pepper Grinder with Light Review Unboxing Demo: Join me as I unbox and review the Flafster Electric Salt N Pepper Grinder, a battery-operated kitchen essential designed to make your cooking experience easier and more enjoyable. This stainless steel grinder is equipped with an innovative light feature to provide better visibility while you spice up your meals.
Find out how easily adjustable the coarseness is and marvel at the stylish metal and wood stand that compliments any kitchen decor. I’ll also walk you through how to install the four AA batteries correctly, ensuring your grinder works flawlessly. If you’re interested in high-quality kitchen gadgets or if you’re looking for a great gift for a foodie in your life, this video is for you. Discover how this electric grinder can change your culinary game. It’s more than just a gadget; it’s a lifestyle upgrade. This Flafster Electric Salt N Pepper Grinder with Light is great!
Pack of 2 With Stand
Material Stainless Steel
Color Stainless Steel
Item Weight 1.9 Pounds
Operation Mode Automatic
Dishwasher Safe No
Item model number 8541951705
Batteries 8 AAA batteries required.
UNSPSC Code 52140000 (Domestic appliances)
Date First Available March 5, 2018
⏰ Flafster Electric Salt N Pepper Grinder Video Chapters ⏰
00:00 Introduction
00:05 Review of the Flafster battery operated salt and pepper grinder
00:08 Feature presentation: Light inside
00:12 Grinder’s Stainless Steel-frame explained
00:16 Highlight on adjustable coarseness & light features
00:19 Introduction to the wooden stand
00:21 How to use the stand with grinder
00:24 Rubber bottom feature explanation
00:26 Grinder’s functioning description – rubber bottom and grinding system
00:31 Opening the top to replace the AA batteries
00:33 Importance of following the instructions for installation
00:39 Salt and pepper addition step – detailing the unlocking mechanism
00:44 Understanding the mechanism for fill in and lock system
00:52 Description of coarseness settings – fine to coarse adjustment
00:56 Grinder special feature – light end
01:00 Demonstration of usage with whole peppercorns and Himalayan sea salt
01:16 Review conclusion – Why it is a good buy?
01:17 Satisfaction from the gift and its review experience
01:20 Potential usage and benefits realized
$25 pp for video review to be posted on influencer page and posted on youtube – 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐅𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 $𝟐𝟎𝟎.
When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
[Music] The green cabbie product Reviews this is a review of the Tera Home shower bag when you receive it it Comes folded up like this super excited I got this one as a gift because it was Just my birthday yesterday and uh so Here it actually has a zipper that goes All the way around the front and it has A nice hanger here to go ahead and hang On the door or any hooks that you have When you are traveling uh inside it has A large compartment and what I do enjoy Is that it does have uh some dividers Here in the back so you can put like Your electric toothbrush or anything That stands tall which is pretty nice it Has pouches on the side uh so that You’re able to have some storage on the Side and there is a compartment on Either side for that there is a flat Compartment on the front which is a Great place to put the ladies pads uh or To be able to put your Q-tips and in the Top here it also has a zipper Compartment that has a mesh pocket so That you’re able to see what’s inside And it can also Al air out if it needs To and it has a very convenient zipper Right there now when traveling we do Like to put our family uh medicines Inside our travel bags as well and this One here as you see has ample space to Be able to put a lot of stuff and with
The dividers in the back you can have it Standing up with easy access to get to It and uh it closes up on the Top with a nice handle so that you can Carry it and so it is a really good Storage option for being able to go with Your family when you guys are doing some Nice traveling and as you guys know we Love to do traveling uh so this is going To be a nice addition to our travel Companions click the link below now for The best pricing grab your Deal and enjoy your Purchase subscribe Now [Music] ◀️◀️◀️ GET THE BEST PRICE ON IT NOW -affiliate-
𝟒.𝟔 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝟓 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 3,466 global ratings
A product review for TERRA HOME Travel Shower Caddy Bag Storage. Discover the ultimate solution for efficient travel organization with TERRA HOME’s shower caddy bag. This durable, portable storage solution is perfect for those on the go, ensuring your toiletries stay in place and are easily accessible. Join me as I delve into the unique features of this travel shower bag, from its spacious compartments and intelligent design to its robust build and easy portability.
Whether you’re a frequent flyer, gym enthusiast, dorm room dweller or camping lover, this comprehensive review will demonstrate why the TERRA HOME Travel Shower Caddy Bag is a must-have travel companion. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe for more in-depth product reviews. For all your travel packing needs, TERRA HOME has you covered. Stay organized and stress-free on your journeys with TERRA HOME Travel Shower Caddy Bag Storage. #TerraHome
UNSPSC Code 53131600 (Bath and body)
Manufacturer GU Living LLC
Item Weight 8 ounces
Material Polyester
Special Feature Portable, Foldable
Color Black
Product Dimensions 8.27”D x 9.84”W x 5.91”H
Shape Rectangular
Date First Available October 17, 2018
Specific Uses For Product Showers
⏰ TERRA HOME Travel Shower Caddy Bag Video Chapters ⏰
00:00 Introduction: The Green Cabbie Product Reviews
00:05 Product Overview: Terra Home Shower Bag
00:08 Unboxing and First Impressions
00:11 Personal Connection to the Product
00:14 Product Features: Zipper and Hanger
00:20 Usage Recommendations: Hanging Options
00:25 Interior Features: Large Compartment and Dividers
00:26 Utility for Traveling
00:32 Additional Features: Pouches and Dividers
00:36 Special Mention: Tall Item Accommodation
00:38 Product Capabilities: Spacious Side Compartments
00:43 Exterior Features: Compartment on Either Side
00:45 Verdict on Product’s Versatility
00:51 Product Features: Flat Front Compartment
00:55 Unique Selling Point: Top Zipper Compartment with Mesh Pocket
01:00 User Experience: Air-out and Visibility Factors
01:05 Uses in Travel: Medicines Storage
01:10 Space Witihin: Ample Space Illustration
01:14 User Experience: Easy Access and Large Space
01:18 Carrying Experience: Handle at the Top
01:24 Verdict on Product’s Utility for Family Travel
01:30 Personal Preference: A Good Travel Storage Option
01:35 Personal Future Usage Plan
$25 pp for video review to be posted on influencer page and posted on youtube – 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐅𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 $𝟐𝟎𝟎.
When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
The green cabbie product Reviews this is a review of the Tera Home shower bag when you receive it it Comes folded up like this super excited I got this one as a gift because it was Just my birthday yesterday and uh so Here it actually has a zipper that goes All the way around the front and it has A nice hanger here to go ahead and hang On the door or any hooks that you have When you are traveling uh inside it has A large compartment and what I do enjoy Is that it does have uh some dividers Here in the back so you can put like Your electric toothbrush or anything That stands tall which is pretty nice it Has pouches on the side uh so that You’re able to have some storage on the Side and there is a compartment on Either side for that there is a flat Compartment on the front which is a Great place to put the ladies pads uh or To be able to put your Q-tips and in the Top here it also has a zipper Compartment that has a mesh pocket so That you’re able to see what’s inside And it can also Al air out if it needs To and it has a very convenient zipper Right there now when traveling we do Like to put our family uh medicines Inside our travel bags as well and this One here as you see has ample space to Be able to put a lot of stuff and with The dividers in the back you can have it
Standing up with easy access to get to It and uh it closes up on the Top with a nice handle so that you can Carry it and so it is a really good Storage option for being able to go with Your family when you guys are doing some Nice traveling and as you guys know we Love to do traveling uh so this is going To be a nice addition to our travel Companions click the link below now for The best pricing grab your Deal and enjoy your Purchase subscribe Now
Review of NEWCARE 4K 60Hz HDMI 2.0 Switch Splitter – 4FT long HDMI Cable Switch 3 in 1 Out ◀️◀️◀️ GET THE BEST PRICE ON IT NOW -affiliate-
𝟒.𝟑 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝟓 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 with 16,988 ratings
A product review for the 4K 60Hz HDMI 2 Switch Splitter 4FT long HDMI Cable Switch 3 in 1 Out. In this video, I’m going to share with you my experience using this HDMI switch splitter from Amazon, and how it has made my home entertainment system more versatile and convenient. If you’re like me, constantly changing HDMI cables between your devices, then this HDMI switch splitter is a must-have.
With its 3 in 1 out feature, you can seamlessly switch between your gaming console, streaming device, and other HDMI devices without unplugging and plugging in cables. Not to mention, it supports 4K 60Hz resolution, ensuring crystal clear image quality. Plus, the included 4ft long HDMI cable is a nice bonus. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or a binge-watcher, this HDMI switch splitter can significantly enhance your user experience. Stay tuned as I delve deeper into its features and performance. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more product reviews and tech tips.
4K@60Hz HDMI 2.0 Switch Splitter with 3.9FT long HDMI Cable, HDMI Switch 3 in 1 Out, 3-Port HDMI Switcher Selector, Supports 4K 30Hz 3D 1080P HDCP2.2 for PS5 PS4 Xbox DVD Player Fire Stick Apple TV PC
Product Dimensions 3.54 x 2.36 x 0.79 inches
Item Weight 3.17 ounces
UNSPSC Code 43211600 (Computer accessories)
Manufacturer NEWCARE
Best Sellers Rank # 2 in Audio & Video Selector Boxes
⏰ NEWCARE 4K 60Hz HDMI 2.0 Switch Splitter Video Chapters ⏰
00:00 Introduction
00:06 Review of the 4K 2.0 HDMI splitter with a 4-foot cable
00:14 The problem with changing HDMI cables
00:18 Why we need an HDMI splitter
00:27 Functionalities of the HDMI splitter
00:32 Unboxing of the HDMI splitter
00:41 How it works
00:46 Special features
00:51 Weight and output and input labels
00:57 Description of HDMI cables
01:00 Special attachments on the cable
01:05 Instruction manual
01:11 Length of the instruction manual
01:14 Setup of the HDMI splitter
01:20 Final setup
01:23 First selection
01:29 Switching over to the third option
01:35 Final conclusion
01:42 How to select the options
01:43 HDMI switch locations
01:49 Concluding remarks
$25 pp for video review to be posted on influencer page and posted on youtube – 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐅𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 $𝟐𝟎𝟎.
When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.
[Music] The green cabbie product Reviews this is a review of the 4K 2.0 HDMI splitter with a 4ot Cable now I've been having an issue Because my son likes to play video games And we usually have to uh change the HDMI cable for either the steam or the Switch when we want to play it up on the Screen so now we're going to have an HDMI splitter so that we can just press The button and play either one without Changing the HDMI cables and damaging Them over time now Inside the Box this One actually does three splits so we can Actually split three HDMI inputs and Then it has one output in the back and It's just a selector a click selector With an HDMI um light for the one that You are using it does have on the bottom Uh little grippers here so that it's not Going to move all over the place it's Pretty light and uh it literally tells You where it goes this is the output These are the inputs right and then it Has the 4ft cable and it has the little Cable attachments on the end so that it Comes nice and neat before you actually Plug them in and of course if you Couldn't read the instructions on the Box it does have an instruction manual Here that shows you the diagram on how To be able to use it and this is a Pretty long instruction manual uh so if
You want to go ahead and read that you Can uh but we basically plug it in all Plugged in and ready to Rock all right so we have our first Selector there and it is live on the Screen and ready to Go and then we select it back back over To the third one here where we're At and there we go so now we have our Switch and our steam both connected with Our switcher and it's super easy you Just press the button for which one you Want it shows you exactly where it Is and your HDMI switches are ready to Run click the link below now for the Best pricing grab your Deal and enjoy your Purchase [Music] Subscribe [Music] Now